B.E. Computer Science and Engineering
Empowering future leaders in computer science through innovative education and research.
B.E. Civil Engineering
Building the world’s infrastructure with sustainable and innovative practices.
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Preparing the next generation of electrical engineers to drive innovation, excel in technical expertise and lead globally.
B.E. Mechanical Engineering
Creating exceptional Mechanical Engineering talent, preparing graduates for leadership positions through a rigorous and innovative curriculum.
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fostering Technological Innovative minds in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)
Applying AI&ML in data analysis using advanced tools and innovative practices.
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) *
Focuses on computer science fundamentals with specialized training in cyber security techniques.
B.Tech. Information Technology *
Emphasizes IT systems, software development, and practical technological solutions.
B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Unlocking potential through mastery in AI & Data Science.
*Awaiting Approval